Deliverable 4.1 - Ocean literacy ocean plan
The University of Venice (Iuav) developed a tool to help local authorities to develop and enlarge their strategies on ocean literacy. Ocean literacy is a broad concept involving culture, education, regulations and research. The overall aim of ocean literacy is to enable informed and responsible decisions about human activities and their impact on the ocean.
Deliverable 3.1 - Regional analysis report
The inventory and cross-analysis of 140 marine and coastal strategies at the regional and local levels in the REGINA-MSP case studies areas has been conducted. The level of integration of these plans and strategies into MSP varies greatly depending on the country and the role of regions into the MSP process. A lack of operational integration of regional and local plans and strategies into MSP was observed.
Deliverable 2.1 - Initial survey
The REGINA-MSP project released a report analysis following a survey addressing regional and national implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in European countries. The report was coordinated by the University College Cork's MaREI Centre (UCC-MaREI) and the conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) and supported by THETIS as consultants, in the framework of the Work Package 2. The report delivers a state of play of the MSP implementation based on 36 collected replies from 12 countries, including local and regional authorities, national and federal authorities and agencies, NGOS, Universities, and fishery associations.