REGINA-MSP project partners

The consortium is composed of 1 European wide organisation, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions,
and 11 national institutions in 5 countries  bordering 2 sea basins.

The consortium is composed of 1 European wide organisation, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, and 11 national institutions in 5 countries (Ireland, France, Spain, Italy and Greece) bordering 2 sea basins (Atlantic and Mediterranean). It is thus adapted to the European ambition of the project as well as to its case studies approach, offering a diversity of situations and contexts.

In their countries, the participants are among the institutions providing main supports to their national authorities for the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive.

National authorities are not partners in the consortium (except for Ireland) but has been closely involved in the preparation of the project proposal.


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CEREMA (which stands for Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning) is the major French public agency for developing public expertise in the fields of urban planning, regional cohesion and ecological and energy transition for resilient and climate-neutral cities and regions. As a multidisciplinary scientific and technical resource and expertise centre, Cerema provides assistance in developing, implementing and assessing public policies at national and local levels, where the challenges of the climatic and ecological transition & regional cohesion are paramount. One sector of activity is dedicated to coastal and marine management, maritime safety and technologies, ports and waterways. Particularly, Cerema is the main support agency for the preparation of the sea basin strategies, which are notably including implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning and the Marine Strategy directives. In recent years, Cerema has also been providing support for the planning for marine renewable energy and marine aquaculture. It actively contributes to the preparation of public debates concerning the identification of future offshore windfarms.


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SHOM stands for the French Hydrographic Offices and is the official provider for French national limits and for reference data regarding the physical marine environment (including hydrographic conditions and underwater noise) and navigation safety. Shom has been involved in the EU MSP projects SIMCelt, SIMNORAT and SIMWESTMED, SEANSE, SIMAtlantic and is currently a partner of MSPMED, eMSPNBSR and MSP-OR projects. SHOM is also contributing to major developments launched by DG MARE, such as EMODnet, Coastal Mapping, and Copernicus to improve the marine knowledge base. Shom will bring in its experience capitalized during its participation to the other MSP projects in terms of preparation of digital MSP plans, MSP data collection and management, and also, as the national hydrographic office, its knowledge in maritime safety of navigation and relationship with MSP.

CORILA, the Consortium for coordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system, is an association between Ca' Foscari University of Venice, IUAV University of Venice, University of Padua, the National Research Council (CNR) and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, supervised by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

CORILA has taken place in many EU projects dealing with maritime issues and MSP (e.g., SIMWESTMED, ADRIPLAN, SUPREME and MSPMED, the last three as coordinator).

IUAV is an Italian public university located in Venice, also specialized in MSP and Climate Change adaptation and Environmental planning. It has participated in numerous EU projects and addressed MSP both in research and teaching.

The Institute of Marine Science of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) has been working on MSP since 2013, through several projects at transboundary, national and local scale, covering all steps and aspects of the MSP process and developing specific instruments and tools. CNR also provides expertise on climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation integrated within MSP.

The three institutions have a long standing experience of collaboration on MSP on both projects and formal processes. Currently, they are working together as technical and scientific experts group in supporting the Italian MSP Competent Authority (Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility) in charge of the national MSP implementation.


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CPMR, the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions represents some 150 maritime Regions in 24 European Union countries and beyond. It is both a think tank and an interest group for regional and local governments. Since its inception in 1973, the CPMR has been acting to promote a more balanced development of the European territory. Most of its work addresses EU policies with a strong territorial impact (e.g. energy transition and climate change, cohesion policy, accessibility & transport). The CPMR is structured around a core policy secretariat and six Geographical Commissions covering the main sea basins of Europe: Atlantic Arc, Balkans and Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, North Sea, and one for Islands. The Geographical Commissions provide active forums in which CPMR members address European issues and share best practices on areas of common interests, including the development of the blue economy, and the support of marine spatial planning in line with an ecosystem-based approach. Regional authorities form the backbone of the CPMR, contributing to its political deliberations and technical notes. The CPMR has over forty years’ experience influencing European policy development, and in implementing European projects. With member Regions from across the whole of the EU and outside the EU, it provides great opportunities for dissemination and transfer of knowledge and experience. The CPMR brings in the participation of not just one or two, but over 150 public authorities, who are best placed to structure local and regional value chains and ensure the right conditions are in place to support project aims and long-term sustainability of national marine spatial planning and their outcomes. The CPMR also provides the secretariat to the European Parliament Intergroup on Seas, Rivers, Islands, and Coastal areas (SEARICA), a direct channel to influence colegislators on policy related to maritime affairs.


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IEO(CSIC) (National Centre Spanish Institute of Oceanography of the Spanish National Research Council) is a public research body dedicated to research in marine sciences, especially in terms of scientific knowledge of the oceans, sustainability of fishery resources and the marine environment. The IEO(CSIC) depends on the Ministry of Science and Innovation. It is not limited to conducting basic and applied research, it also advises administrations scientifically and technologically on matters related to oceanography and sea sciences. In fact, according to the Maritime Fisheries Act 2001, the IEO is the government's research body and adviser for fisheries sectoral policy. In addition, it is the scientific and technological representative of Spain in most international forums and organizations related to the sea and its resources. It provides methodological and technical support to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, in relation to MSP and MSFD directives implementation and it has participated in past transboundary MSP projects (i.e. SIMNORAT, SIMWESTMED, MarSP, SIMAtlantic and MSPMED).


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CETMAR is a Public Foundation promoted by the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. CETMAR aims to promote a sustainable development of marine environment & resources and to foster links and cooperation between R&D agents, the maritime-fishing industry and other major stakeholders. CETMAR’s strategy is focused on the achievement of a higher degree of cooperation among the different stakeholders (industry, academy, government, consumers, etc.) through the integration of multiple disciplines and complementary capacities in projects and initiatives. Most relevant skills CETMAR can offer for the project implementation are linked, on one hand, to the background knowledge about the marine and maritime sectors and marine environment and resources related issues; to its wide experience and dynamic role in promoting and coordinating collaborative projects at national, EU and international level and finally to its capacity to mobilize stakeholders in marine and maritime industries. Within the field tackled in this project it is worth mentioning the involvement of CETMAR in SIMNORAT project and that it is currently providing technical assistance to Galician Regional Government in the Maritime Spatial Planning process.

UCC, University College Cork offers under and post-graduate studies to over 17,000 students, and attracts the highest peer-reviewed research income per head in Ireland. The university is home to the MaREI Centre - a multidisciplinary research cluster of key university and industrial partners. Staff within MaREI are dedicated to solving the main scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges to the sustainable development of the maritime economy, with a focus on marine renewables but also encompassing a wider research agenda that includes coastal and marine governance and planning; climate sciences; marine ecology; marine geomatics and ICT; coastal processes and seabed mapping; and, applied remote sensing and GIS. The Centre's expertise and skillsets are highly regarded both nationally and internationally and are aligned with policy and research agendas such as the European Integrated Maritime Policy, EU Climate Policy. Researchers within MaREI have participated in MSP and marine management projects relevant to this call, such as Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Atlantic region (SIMAtlantic, EASME-CINEA) and Celtic Seas (SIMCelt; EASME), Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic (TPEA; DG MARE), Partnerships Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic Sea Ecosystem (PISCES; LIFE+), Celtic Seas Partnership (CSP; LIFE+), Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas (MESMA; FP7), and Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas (KnowSeas; FP7)


DECC, the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications is the lead authority for the delivery of policies and programmes on Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Natural Resources, and Communication and Digital. In 2024, on foot of a government decision, the functions and responsibility for Irelands Marine Planning System were formally transferred into the Department from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. A key element of the transfer is continuing to implement the MSP Directive under the new regime set out the Maritime Area Planning (MAP) Act, 2021, the National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) and the Marine Planning Policy Statement (MPPS). The Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA) will be an agency of DECC under this transfer. The MAP Act 2021 also enables public authorities to develop regional marine plans (Designated Maritime Area Plans or DMAPs) and DECC is currently developing guidelines on these as well as implementing the first Offshore DMAP off Irelands South Coast. Guidelines for Offshore Wind Energy are also under development in the Department.

AUTH, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is one of the oldest and largest Universities in Greece, covering a wide range of humanities and applied sciences. AUTh comprises of 10 faculties which consist of 40 Schools and 1 single-School Faculty. The School of (Spatial) Planning and Development (DPD) is part of the Engineering Faculty of AUTh (5-year curriculum) and it is one of the two Spatial Planning Schools in Greece. Maritime spatial planning and marine governance (as well as theories and practices related to the marine space) are central to the educational and research curriculum of DPD. Most of the AUTh team members, have long experience, through the participation in the following MSP projects: SUPREME (EMFAF), Paving the Road towards MSP - Greece-MED (UNEP-MAP - PAR/RAC), ECO-MED (Erasmus+). The AUTh team manager is also co-author of the “Handbook on Territorial Democracy and Public Participation in Spatial Planning”, published by the Council of Europe and the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment.

PUSPS, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. The "Strategic and Maritime Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development" Lab of the Department of Economic and Regional development was created in 2002. The Lab ensures interdisciplinary and holistic approach to policy and planning issues and projects and has a longstanding experience on territorial/urban/maritime development observation, reporting and planning, place-based development policies, maritime spatial planning, ecosystem-based management, incorporation of maritime/underwater cultural heritage (MCH/UCH) in MSP, GIS applications etc. It implements virtual learning environments and provides targeted information/training to territorial stakeholders (regional and local authorities), produces educational and training material and hosts International and transnational conferences on all the above subject matters. It was the ESPON Contact Point 2000-2013 in Greece ( Within this framework, the Lab provided consultation on all ESPON issues and projects to the Greek Ministry of Development and Competitiveness (2007-2014) and participated in several ESPON projects and transnational networking activities (TNAs). Recent MSP related national projects deal with Maritime Cultural Heritage, Fisheries Local Actions Groups and Community-Led Development Strategies, local and regional dimensions of blue growth in cooperation with “Development Companies” and other local/regional stakeholders and research on multi-use focusing on the combination of fisheries-tourism-nature conservation, and UCH-tourism-MPAs.

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