Closing conference - 23rd-24th October 2024, Marseille, France
The closing conference of the European projects REGINA-MSP and MSP-GREEN was held on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 October 2024 in Marseille at the Palais du Pharo. It was part of the #European MSP Week, organized by the European Commission to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Framework Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning, a milestone in the planning of maritime activities and integrated coastal zone management in Europe. It was structured around interlinked panels and discussions on the participation of regional and local stakeholders in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and the role that MSP can play in strengthening the marine dimension of the #European Green Deal.
4 major themes were addressed:
- Legal aspects
- Governance and stakeholder engagement
- Resources, capacity, skills and networks
- Data and information
Opening conference - 1st March 2023, Brest, France
The Opening conference of the project REGINA-MSP was held the 1st of March in Brest, France. It was the opportunity to share the objectives of the project and to discuss their implementation with a broad audience. A state of play of the planification in the different partner countries was presented, and examples of inspiring initiatives in terms of integration of the regional and local scales were shared.

Introduction to the REGINA-MSP project and main objectives
Céline Jacob, Project coordinator, CEREMA
Overview of MSP in Ireland Tom Woolley, Marine Planning Advisor, Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage, Ireland
The state of play of MSP in GreeceStella Kyvelou, Professor, PUNIV & Marilena Papageorgiou, Assistant Professor, AuTH
A multiscalar approach in the MSP Italian processEmiliano Ramieri, Research manager, CNR-ISMAR
Spanish MSP national process & regional initiativesCristina Cervera-Núñez, MSP Technician, IEO(CSIC)
National MSP process in France and elaboration of seaboard strategic documentsMaïté Verdol, Maritime spatial planning and territorial development project manager
Maritime, Fishing & Aquaculture Affairs General Department, France
Feedback on MSP process and stakeholders’ engagement, views from the Baltic SeaTalvikki Jori, Vice President for Maritime Affairs from Southwest Finland Region
The case study of Murcia region in the framework of the MSP-MED projectMónica Campillos-Llanos, MSP Technician, IEO(CSIC)
eMSP-NBSR community of practicesExample of shared data and tools for Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas region
Adeline Souf, Head of the maritime spatial planning activity unit, Shom
Examples of horizontal interaction among regions from the MSP Italian processDaniele Brigolin, Associate Professor & Fabio Carella, PhD candidate, IUAV
MSP going regional and local: initiatives from the Crete RegionStella Kyvelou, Professor, PUNIV & Thanos Smanis, Blue economy/MSP expert, PUNIV