Closing conference of REGINA-MSP and MSP-GREEN

in Marseille, Palais du Pharo, on October 23-24, 2024

Palais du Pharo

We are pleased to invite you to the joint closing conference of REGINA-MSP and her #EMFAF MSP sister project #MSP-GREEN in Marseille, in Palais du Pharo, on October 23-24, 2024.

The conference is structured around 2 days of interlinked panels and discussions on the participation of regional and local stakeholders in MSP and the role that MSP can play in strengthening the marine dimension of the #European Green Deal.


On October 23rd morning, a choice of field visits is proposed to participants: 

  1. Parc national des Calanques;

  2. Parc marin de la Côte bleue;

  3. Decarbonation of the Grand Port maritime de Marseille;

  4. Floating wind turbine assembly site;

  5. Coastal management by the City of Marseille and its partners.


Registration in EU Survey

Conference programme under this link


The conference is part of the #European MSP Week, organized by the European Commission to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Framework Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning, a milestone in the planning of maritime activities and integrated coastal zone management in Europe.


CEREMA, CORILA and our project partners look forward to welcoming you soon in Marseille!


| European Commission | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency | hashtag#Conference hashtag#MaritimeSpatialPlanning

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